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Musing, notions, thoughts and random ramblings
by Man without fear

previous entry: whiney/angsty/emo post, feel free to ignore.

next entry: Still searching, a(still) angsty poem, take 2

plesant suprises amzing night.


I just got back from a pair of friends housewarming WOW, such a great group of folks, such love and mutual respect and caring....there's a line from a song i'm listening to right this minute

i feel a love, i fell a power it comes to me in the darkest hour,

i wanna feel it again,

In this dreamland the kids are alright and the sky is blue
we all got wings and know how ta fly

the sun on my face,
head in the clouds,
time on my side
my feet on the ground...

i'm not comin' down

really...that about covers it....

Faye, Queenie, Jade Erik, Chantel Ron Ian, Dave Simon.......and all the others i've forgotten....

i love you all,

previous entry: whiney/angsty/emo post, feel free to ignore.

next entry: Still searching, a(still) angsty poem, take 2

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