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Hidden Depths
by Zombie Mark
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Hidden Depths
by Zombie Mark

next entry: Work, Live Life & TOTW

#1 A fresh start


Dear Diary,

It's been a fair while since I have written in here. In fact, anything that I have written in here I have privatised. History should be just that, history. 

I have found myself single once again. I was in a relationship with someone that I was best friends with for almost a decade before getting into a relationship with. That ended pretty toxic, which was a shame because I loved that girl with every ounce of my body (WHICH IS A LOT OF OUNCES!). 

I have changed jobs a few times, but I have been at the last place for several years now and held numerous positions within the company. I am now working as a Duty Manager at the firm, 3rd in command in fact! I love my job, I really do - but there are days that I hate it. Hate is a strong word, strongly dislike. On some of the days working there the stress levels raise a little higher than I like them to be at. 

Gonna aim to write in 'ere at least once per work - which I have promised myself more times than I have actually written in the damn diary! But by golly I will try!

Many thanks,

next entry: Work, Live Life & TOTW

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Glad you are back and doing okay for the most part. I am sorry your relationship did not work out.

[valenciaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Good to have you back.

[The RyanStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Howdy! Long time no see!

[DocStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Sorry to hear about your relationship. I hope you find someone nice!! At least your dog loves you? LOL

I understand your feelings about work. I love my job, don't want to work anywhere else, but sometimes I hate it. I'm the one they all come to for help and I manage our social media so it never ends. I've learned to turn the work phone off on the weekends and at a certain time during the week.

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

ryn: do it! We need to lead by example

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

ryn: honey, try a tropical depression first. It's just a severe storm. Hurricane Cat 1 not too bad but 3 - 5 is scary and devastating! I was here for Andrew and he flattened Miami. Devastating! Hate storms!

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I was friends with a guy for 20 years and we tried a relationship and it failed. I know exactly how you feel. I was devastated not only because we couldn't make it work, but because I lost my best friend. It took me a year to get over him.

That situation is what made me start writing again, which was what I really needed in 2019 and now this year. Funny how things work.

[Concrete Rose|0 likes] [|reply]

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