Work has been going well recently, I'm glad the summer season is over n done with - back to the golden oldies! Life is a lot less stressful when the park isn't in full swing of summer. The buck stops at me. There's no way that I can pass the issue onto my manager, as I am the end of the line when it comes to guests.
So far I have done very single check-in shift (Monday & Friday evenings prodominately) since we re-opened since lock down, which was July 17th. I'm exhausted! I have put in for some annual leave - which got accepted. Absolutely buzzing about that. Ten days off in a row without a single care in the world (other than paying wages and doing the rotas for the two departments that I'm HOD for). I have absolutely NO plans, other than doing a few bits round Mums for her and playing computer games.... oh, and of course working out some bugs n kinks on Bloop
Love life
What love life?
During lock-down I got back to chatting to someone that I knew years and years ago. We were talking daily, morning texts, goodnight texts, texts throughout the day etc - but then work started up again. Because of work I was unable to reply as much as I was during lockdown, this caused a few issues for her seemingly. She was not happy that I did not want to meet up as of yet, which was mainly due to the fact that I was safeguarding my Mum as much as I could (I was the only one that was doing her shopping etc, as she continued to self-isolate due to her health!). The girl that I was talking to worked at the hospital for goodness sake, that just seemed to risky for me.
However, I did finally cave after a long time and met up with her. There was a little chemistry but not a major amount if I'm honest with you - but I thought I would continue to give it a go. Then she had an argument over the fact that I ignored her messages.... I mean, yes my phone told her via WhatsApp that I had "read" her messages, but just because it flashed up on my phone screen for a second doesn't mean that I had read it. She didn't seem to understand that my work time was dedicated to work, especially seeing as I have to manage around 50 staff and at the time 1300 guests happiness and welfare!
I decided to cut ties with her, because if it wasn't working and causing arguments already, it would only get worse if we had actually become an item. It's a shame, because she is a nice girl and I think that it could have worked, but I guess it wasn't meant to be!
I have to be careful that I don't live to work, rather than work to live!
Theme Of The Week
Talk about returning to Bloop. If you left, where have you been and why did you come back? If you stayed, how do you feel about all the oldtimers returning?
I didn't leave as such, loaded the main page once in a while, done a little bit of reading - but never wrote. I tried a few times but always failed! Came back as Steve spoke to me about coming to work on Bloop - it's made me want to write again, that's for sure!