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Hidden Depths
by Zombie Mark
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Hidden Depths
by Zombie Mark

previous entry: An update from work

next entry: Making a change

Lowestoft coast


Made a little youtube video with one of my drones.

previous entry: An update from work

next entry: Making a change

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It's awesome, Mark! Lowestoft looks beautiful! How far is it from Oxford?

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Yeah. I admit to being part of that.

But the idea that Big Zuck has AI giving out bans for comments said on posts 4+ years ago, and then removes comments as being "Hate Speech"...when it's actually a proper name of a business (these things happened)... just doesn't sit right with me.

As I was thinking about what other options there were...I remembered that I loved Bloop (before the crash). I loved interacting with my friends here. I took most of them to MySpace and then Facebook.

FB is so driven by Memes and Ads and the infighting.... it's a cesspool.

I realized that when we were on Bloop before...I didn't know my friends political views.

I'm hoping to get back to the peace and simplicity of friends sharing random thoughts...of silly but serious restaurant reviews. Of just being... friends.

I have looked at the 5 posts that exist from my old account. Even those are was a different time. They hurt because of what I am going through and the changes that took place since 2009.

I definitely want/need to find the peace that girl had.

[ZenJenZ|0 likes] [|reply]

You're video is gorgeous.

Thank You for Sharing.

[ZenJenZ|0 likes] [|reply]

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