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My True Self
by Scared & Alone

previous entry: Inside My Head!

next entry: dont know what to do anymore



That is mostly my outlook on everything.... everything is Negative. How can i switch this? I wish i didnt view the world like this but its seems like alot of bad shit has happened to me so i always believe it will stay that way. I am always thinking... am i worth it, am i really as ugly as i feel, will he cheat again, why does all this bad stuff happen to me, am i going to loose everything one day, whats wrong with me? These are what go through my head all day everyday. I wish it would all stop so i can be happy. I do have one good thing in my life... my son. He is what keeps me going. I love him to death and would do anything for him.

previous entry: Inside My Head!

next entry: dont know what to do anymore

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[sparksStar|0 likes] [|reply]

So your hubby cheated on you??? That's so not cool. But it has nothing to do with's part of his shortcomings that he cheated. I really hope that you can be happy, at least one day. I know it is hard when you've had to deal with all those thoughts in your head (I've had them and still do sometimes).

[SugarNSpice Surveys|0 likes] [|reply]

I've decided to look for ways to embrace the negativity instead. It's all around me, it's far easier to see and feel and experience, so why not? My wife is tired of me? Well, she doesn't ask for much any more. Lost my job? More time to read. Crippling social anxiety? I spend almost nothing for gasoline each month.

[Hoss|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Oh, wow. I'm sorry that he made that bad decision. I hope that he remains faithful to you now, though. It must be hard to come back from something like that. I know I would have trouble with trust after something like that, too. xx

Oh, btw, I have a personal diary - girl.from.gotham

I'm going to add you on there because I check it more often. xxx

[SugarNSpice Surveys|0 likes] [|reply]

My outlook is to grieve for the sad things, as that is natural. But find small things to be grateful for. Just one small thing each day. Being thankful for clean drinking water, as so many in the world don't have this. And food. And a home. And the way the sun shines on the trees as you pass them. Just little things, that you don't notice unless you look.

[je ne sais quoi|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Yep, I am a total bookworm! Love books and I love to read. I read a LOT and pretty fast, unless I have a really busy schedule. What kind of books do you like?

[SugarNSpice Surveys|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Inside My Head!

next entry: dont know what to do anymore

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