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~Nighty~'s Diary
by ~Nighty~
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~Nighty~'s Diary
by ~Nighty~

previous entry: Freedom Costs

next entry: Parents need to be Parents

Humanity Withdrawn




I was reading in the news recently, and I saw something that just irked me. There was a woman who blogged about her pregnancy...and decided to keep her baby, even though that baby was terminally ill. Everyone was helpful and sympathetic, and she even posted that hours after the baby's birth...the baby died. Come to find out...she was never pregnant!

It really bothers me that someone would prey on people like that. I admit to being biased about it. You see, when I lost my daughter, there were whispers that I had made it all up. That really upset me, because I had to bury wasn't true. However, in a way, after seeing this in the news, I can't really blame them. People really DO milk our humanity by using our most base fears against us...the death of a child. How cruel must you be to do such a thing? To me, I believe anyone capable of this...has had their humanity withdrawn.

previous entry: Freedom Costs

next entry: Parents need to be Parents

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its horrible when people do something like that. Ive been conned by people on bloop for similar things! ugh!
*random noter*

[Gem♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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