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Pulchritude is my story.
by -Pulchritude-

previous entry: Sorry Liver.

next entry: Dear Tanya

I love my period.


WELL!!!Last week started at the new job. Nothing extravagant about cleaning hospital rooms. But whatever keeps cash rollin in I guess. I cant wait til fall when classes start. woo.
Valentines weekend was so fun. Mike surprised me with a trip to Jasper. It was so beautiful. So beautiful! I can't wait til the next surprise getaway The mountains were gorgeous. There was elks right in town...crossing the street. I loved it!
Also for v day...mother nature stopped in with a present that can only be wrapped by tampax. (grumble) What a ho. =(
I should be at work but there is a huge fire by the train tracks somewhere and they wont let them pass...we may explode!!! So to no income for the day.
Wonder how else I can contribute to society today? hmmhmmhmm!

previous entry: Sorry Liver.

next entry: Dear Tanya

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you can contribute to society by clicking my stuffs , btw happy late v-day.

[Critics of bloop|0 likes] [|reply] quite glad i clicked on this haha

[TheLazyNinjaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I know you are!!! lmao

[-Pulchritude-|0 likes] [|reply]

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