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Let me just start out by saying, I hope this year gets better!!! UGH
Me and Mel didn't do anything for New Year's Eve. But on New Year's Day our friends Steph and Tommy came over. We decided to have a few drinks and just hang out. Melissa didn't drinl because They brought their two kids, and I refuse to have kids in the house without having at least one person sober. And Melissa doesn't really drink much anyways. When I started getting more than a buzz... I wanted it gone. I sat in the kitchen with bread and coffee trying to sober up. I just don't like it anymore. So then me and Melissa went to bed. [Tommy and Steph spent the night since they were drunk.] When we got into bed we started talking. I got on the subject of getting pregnant. And she actually implied to me that I wouldn't be a good mother!!!! I couldn't believe it!! I mean, sure, the thought has crossed my mind. Sometimes I do get upset with other people's kids, but I told myself it would be different if it were my own child. Hearing Melissa say it out loud....I just bursted out in tears!! At that moment I decided That's why I haven't gotten pregnant, because God knows I would be a bad mother. She kept apologizing...but the damage had already been done.
I've put myself on a diet. I'm not happy with myself, but mostly because my mom found out she has diabetes. And it's effecting her hard. I've watched Diabetes take away my grandmother, my aunt and now my mom has it. I don't want to end up with it. I've always had a really bad sweet tooth. Seriously! There were times in my life where I wouldn't have a taste for real food. I couldn't eat a good meal, I just wanted sweets!! So far, I've been doing pretty good. It hasn't been as hard this time around as it has in the past! I've almost lost my taste for sweets altogether. I'm drinking only water. I'm eating more fruit. and watching my calories. Plus I've been going to town on my Wii Fitness! lol So far, I've lost 2lbs. Not much, but it's a start!!!
My wife bought an original Nintendo! lmao. she's been wanting one for years. she had one as a kid, LOVED it, but didn't know what her parents did with it. So she found one on Amazon.com for $25. They also have them for $20 and $19 [if anyone wants one] Of course we didn't find those til after we paid $25. That's how it also goes. You can also get LOTS of nes games for a penny!! [plus shipping] I LOVE Amazon.com. I'm addicted! Melissa ordered me my own copy of The Bell Witch! If you haven't read that...READ IT!! It's awesome!
I've been into the fallen angel books! They're great! I've read Fallen and Torment. Waiting on Passion to come out this summer. I've read Hush Hush. And Melissa ordered me Crecendo! Can't wait to read it. These are awesome books, you guys! If you like to read... get these books! Especially if you are into Twilight!
As far as movies go... hmmm...DEVIL is an awesome movie!! Legion was pretty good. The Last exercism was great! Easy A was super funny! Vampires suck SUCKED!!! Sorry...we've been renting a lot of movies lately! lol
Just want to put this out there.... I know a lot of people that only put out wild birdfood in the spring and summer.... If any of you guys have birdfeeders that you fill up...PLEASE put food in them all year round!!! Especially winter! I understand a lot of people only do it to see the birds in their yard. But In the spring and summer, They can find their own food! It's in abundance!! In the winter, everything is dead! The food you put out may be the only food they have!! So please fill your birdfeeders all year round!!
LOL- sorry....just had to get that out!! Oh and I would post new pics, but I've recently lost my USB cable for my camera. I can't charge it or upload pics. I'm pissed. But hopefully I will get another one soon! um...I lost one of my wedding rings. I'm pissed about that. And the puppies are doing great!! We've started weaning them. They LOVE canned food! They are up walking around, running and playing now!!! they're adorable! Okay, I'm off to play the wii!!! YAY!! Sorry about the loooong update! Have a good day, bloop!