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Rachel anne's Diary
by Rachel anne

previous entry: A Family Puzzle.

next entry: Terrified



Sometimes I find that just little things, comments, thoughts, stuff like that can bring up so many other memories and thoughts. I hate the feeling of aloneness, especially when you know you're not alone. Maybe it doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens to me. As of right now I'm scared to bring it up, scared to talk about it because of who I want to talk to about it, because of how much I care, and how much it scares me to think that maybe he wouldn't like me as much or maybe he wouldn't understand what I was talking about. I'm a little bit afraid to admit I'm not always as happy as I act, it makes me think people might not accept me as much if they found out all the crazy non-sense thoughts that go through my mind.I know in time these things will come out, and better sooner then later right? I don't want to sound like a crazy person but it has a history in my family. Honest though I know I'm not crazy but I have my moments where I just am not happy, for no reason really, because of the thoughts going through my head that I find out really mean nothing. Well whatever.

previous entry: A Family Puzzle.

next entry: Terrified

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