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Rachel anne's Diary
by Rachel anne

previous entry: Memories.

next entry: Can you define Love?



Things like, I'm terrified I'll end up alone, even more terrified I'll end up unhappy. I don't know what happens with people once you've fallen in love I understand you can fall out of love, it's hard but you can But once you're in love with someone you'll always love them right? What happens to our parents? How can they be so unhappy with each other they don't even sleep in the same room? Is everything just an act? How can things be so good at one point you bring children into the world, then do things just fall apart? I want to be able to believe someone can have a family and still be happy.

previous entry: Memories.

next entry: Can you define Love?

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My parents were married for 12 years before getting divorced and my stepdad was married to his 1st wife for 20 soemthing years. I don't know how or why people fall out of love. I always wonder if that will happen to me. I think people just become unhappy and are too afraid to make a change...I hope that i don't end up that way. I want to believe that someone can have a family and still be happy too.

[TrishaDsh|0 likes] [|reply]

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