Today, the fact that am always over analyzing got under my skin. Every decision I make is followed by a thousand what if's. These what if's can simple be solved with a little bit of patience. Patience to sit back & let time play its part. Specially, when some of these whats if are simply out of my hand. They are up to someone else. No matter how much i ponder, no matter how much i repeat it over in my head, no matter how many individuals i repeat it too - it won't change the fact that its out of my hands & upto someone else.
I understand that life is filled with uncertainity. With uncertainity come's stress. But, i just add to it & add to it & add to it. I know it's healthy to think ahead - to plan ahead. But, to fixate it on it like i do can't be. I want to find a way to better handle this. Am just not sure where to look or how to start. To not be such a worry wart & over analyzier.
So, what brought on these feelings is my new jobs @ Dals as a Waitress. It is only my 2nd shift. I only shadowed on my first shift for literally 10 minutes.
After talking to a co-worker it sounds like they don't really offer you alot of support there. For example on Weds its very busy & your by your self. Also, sounds like you do alot of work there. Dont get me wrong I believe in working for your money. Also, i can handle alot - trust me. Its just am not to sure if for me personally the tips would be worth it.
However, i think am selling my self short. It's only my 2nd shift. With time ill learn the menu. Just dosen't help that half the shit you need to know isn't on the menu lol. Like i said above, i need to give this time. Time will tell me if this job is the right fit for me. If it isn't then i can always quit. I don't need this job. I already have a full time job that i adore =). I don't owe it to anybody to stick around if I don't like it.
Now, if only this positive thinking would occur when I start over worrying. Or picking apart every thought.