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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: holla back youngin

next entry: so, they made us evacuate

he loves me, he loves me


soo im pretty sure the only thing im gonna write about is my relationship with leo. because i dont really feel like talkin to people about it, and at least i can get it out some way.

doesnt matter no one reads it but keri anyways

so i was talkin to an old friend of mine online today, and she didnt know anything about leo. so i was gushing about him of course, and in the process i was gettin all mushy bc i realized how much he means to me. so i go and tell him, almost verbatim what was said, and he goes "oh you're so dramatic." well, fuck you too asshole! it's amazing how my feeling go from head over heels in love to absolute disgust within a matter of 5 secs.

i think he needs to catch up. or else im gonna leave him in the dustt

previous entry: holla back youngin

next entry: so, they made us evacuate

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is there something wrong with him? honestly.

[photobooth.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

wow that's pretty shitty!

[I♥L♥YStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I have been cleaning on and off for days and it just didn't get completely done. I cleaned everything and then melissa came over and made a mess!! so now i have to reclean everything and I just don't feel like it because I have been cleaning since like noon and decorating come play with me?

[photobooth.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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