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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

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so, they made us evacuate


ya. here's what happened.

rain and snow = heavy trees = power outage across lots of new york, my campus included.

shitty generators + lots of housing = not enough power for everyone

no power = no food, no light to study for finals/papers, possibility of pipes bursting

aka, they let us home early because it was unsafe and was a hindrance to our academic abilities (woop)

home early = postponed finals = I AM STOKED!!

okay a little bit of details. i was asleep for the whole thing - loss of power, trees fallin on cars, security alarms going off. so i went to sleep anticipating being woken up by my alarm to eat a nice breakfast before i studied for finals, when it was more like a **BANG BANG** GET THE FUCK UP PACK UR SHIT WE GOTTA GO NOOOOWWW

not the greatest scenario to wake up to. of course i was freaked out for most of the day. we were held stranded in the gym for hours until they figured what to do with us, then they gave us TWO HOURS to pack up all our stuff for the winter break and go. lets just say i forgot alot of stuff.

in those two hours the sun went down and of course we cant have candles and dont have flashlights, so packin anything was nearly impossible with the light of my cell phone. it was ridiculous.

straight outta a movie i swear to god. mass chaos, rioting (they were literally throwing things at the head officials bc they were pisses/drunk), sirens... then darkness comes and WHOOSH everyone is goooone. unreal.

i prolly overreacted but i was alone in my townhouse so i was scared and frantic i guess. i dont have a car i could just hop into n get home, which is 1 1/2 hours away... so i had to make emergency get-me-home-now plans and pack in that time. i guess we made the local news... nuts.

oh, my life.

previous entry: he loves me, he loves me

next entry: help!! what's your favori

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THAT IS CRAZY!!! how did you get home. I'm glad you made it home safe. loooove you

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