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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: oooh la la, sexy

next entry: lean wit it, rock wit it

hello my baby, hello my hunny


So! Today wasnt so bad. I think ive decided my life is just... mediocre. I have the pretty awesome days, the pretty awful days, and the mostly just ehh days. I must do something to alleviate this situation. Yup. Like get a job that makes me want to get up in the morning. And spending more time with the people that I love instead of people that fill up the fluff space in my life. Realize who/what is really important and make them a priority. Oh, life.

Highlights of my day: Getting wings for dinner (yuuum), having a fairly easy day at work, and getting to skype with boy boy right now!

previous entry: oooh la la, sexy

next entry: lean wit it, rock wit it

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