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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: hello my baby, hello my hunny

next entry: daylight come and me wanna go home

lean wit it, rock wit it


gah. my boring life... just been working my ass off and getting slaved by my mom, thats really it. I might be able to do something fun this weekend... my friend from college got engaged but told me about it last min so if i can run to boston after work on sat i can party with a bunch of people from college. Fingers crossed!

Highlights of my day: Kind of sleeping in, having enough coverage for work, seeing boy boy tomorrow and going to the headless horseman!!!

previous entry: hello my baby, hello my hunny

next entry: daylight come and me wanna go home

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I wish my life were as humdrum.

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