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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: helloooo nurse!

next entry: just breathe

hole-y rusted metal, batman!


so it's been awhile, again. mini update then? i took the job at sallys, and worked my two weeks around lowes. and i LOVE it... love learning about the new products, my coworkers, the customers, everything is gravy. minus the pay... neither job wanted to work around the other so i was forced to quit sallys. its further away and i get paid $4 less an hr, and get 10 hrs less a week, sooo i just couldnt do it. now im all depressed bc im at a job that i hate just for money. bleh. i worked over 70 hrs in a week and almost died bc of it.

Highlights of my day: spoke to an old friend for his birthday, got to sleep in, had a day off for the first time in 2 weeks, and i will get to skype with boy boy soon

previous entry: helloooo nurse!

next entry: just breathe

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i am on a hunt for another job as we speak. im sorry that one you loved didn't work out thats disappointing.

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