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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: hole-y rusted metal, batman!

next entry: we'll start again and just pretend that nothing ever happened

just breathe


Today was a long day... had lunch like 2 hours into my 9 hr shift, so the rest of the day just draaaagged. Had one of the biggest c*ntrag customers... almost reached over the counter and shanked her. The weekend was long too.. was my bros 25 birthday so we had a huge shindig, aka was drunk by 2pm. Boy boy was there fri and sat, so i got to spend some time with him Ive been bonkers over him for awhile but was scared to say anything... last time i told someone i loved him, he said it but didnt mean it. soo the big L word was shared and all was good. I's a very happy lady now

Highlights of my day: IHOP with cool coworkers, getting some good naptime in, talking to the best boy ever, and getting to see him tomorrow!! <3

previous entry: hole-y rusted metal, batman!

next entry: we'll start again and just pretend that nothing ever happened

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You should keep writing because you have just snagged another lifetime fan. Only an amazing person such as yourself could dig deep to find the positive light amongst any dark times (aka bullshit) you have to see yourself through.

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