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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: daylight come and me wanna go home

next entry: and the beat goes on

hot tottie


Sooo i wanted to go get my hair done.. i was feeling the need to sort of reinvent my looks. She did a great job, but it's not what i asked for so i look the same. $140 down the tuuubes. Gotta get an oil change and then I'm off to Oneonta next week... yessssh. Random, but does anyone know of a legitimate website I could find an apartment? The ones I've looked at all seem sketchy but I reaaaallly need out of here. Any suggestions?

Highlights of my day: Having the day off, getting my results from the doctor, hopefully getting some boy boy time in later

previous entry: daylight come and me wanna go home

next entry: and the beat goes on

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[photobooth.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

OMG I went in to a hairdresser and didn't get what I want and wasted $100...I still looked good with it but it stil had me peeved. Do they EVER get it right?

[Prosper|0 likes] [|reply]

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