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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: lean wit it, rock wit it

next entry: hot tottie

daylight come and me wanna go home


gah! its been so long since ive written. i just have so many venues to express myself i guess i forget about writing in bloop. guess its good, seeing as i dont need it as much as want it now. yay bloop! just been working my tush off as usual. went to the headless horseman with boy boy and had a wonderful time. might be a gothish fairy for halloween, if i have time between my work schedule. next item of business needs to be telling my mama about boy boy. ive been meaning to do it for a looong time, im just uber scared of what she'll say/do. the longer i wait the worse itll be, bc im hiding it from her and thats not fair for anybody, especially boy boy. ok ramble time is ovaaaaa.

highlights of my day: not having a crazy day at work, feeling better from being sickies the last few days, getting some time to sleep before work and just hearing a simple goodnight from boy boy i, am blessed.

previous entry: lean wit it, rock wit it

next entry: hot tottie

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