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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: gummy vitamins!

next entry: take that to the bank and cash it

Shake it like a Polaroid picture


Im gonna cheat a lil and write about yesterday today. I was too tired last night to get on... I actually had a really good day... i was tryna think of ways to sum up my day, but then theyd all end up as highlights here goesss

Highlights of my day: Getting my medical supplies just as I ran out of them, seeing friends and family that I haven't seen in over five years, getting my car fixed (for free!) so that the check engine light isnt on, and skyping with the boy for two hours without an interruption. Good, GOOD day!

previous entry: gummy vitamins!

next entry: take that to the bank and cash it

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wait what...your mom didn't interrupt you?? im shocked.

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