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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: Shake it like a Polaroid picture

next entry: we all live in a yellow submarine

take that to the bank and cash it


i had an utterly shitty day today. pretty much anything my mom could yell at me for, she did. aka my lip ring didnt match my outfit, not allowed to talk to my brother at my aunts house bc that is rude, riding in the left lane when im goin faster than the ppl in the right, etc. i dont feel like complaining too so here goes highlights.

highlights of the day: woke up to an amazing IM from the boy, got to go swimming/tanning at my godparents house, ate awesome food, and having a calming conversation on the phone with boy boy.

previous entry: Shake it like a Polaroid picture

next entry: we all live in a yellow submarine

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mary is can come hide here whenever you want!

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