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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: someone please tell me I'm not crazy

next entry: thank you for not smoking

So you're swimming in the sea of tranquility and the wheel falls off your canoe


I'm 99.9% convinced no one reads my diary. Oh well More for me, none for you?

Umm so yeah. My issue as of the moment is that I have another job offer that opened up. Right now I'm a seasonal/temporary cashier at Lowe's, making $10.76/hr. Oh yeah, and my mom works there too. **Rolls eyes** The other option is working F/T in housekeeping, for like $8.50/hr, plus benefits. I share cars with my mom and brother... Lowe's is 30 minutes away and the housekeeping is like, 7. Each has its pros and cons, and frankly I don't want to work at either.

What to do, what to do? If i go for the housekeeping I have to do it asap, so I have to figure out something fast. Any suggestions?

Also, the housekeeping thing is probably more long term... so the going abroad and teaching thing looks less likely with that scenario

previous entry: someone please tell me I'm not crazy

next entry: thank you for not smoking

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I read this entry

[sheissuffering|0 likes] [|reply]

I read it also. xD

I don't know how to answer this conundrum... which job will give you a better ability to save up for travelling?

[lithium layouts.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

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