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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: help!! what's your favori

next entry: So you're swimming in the sea of tranquility and the wheel falls off your canoe

someone please tell me I'm not crazy


Long time no... update? I don't feel like writing about my last year. Nothing good happened worth mentioning, so yeah.

But let's take a vote here, eh? Someone's gotta side with me b/c I feel like I'm nuts.

So, this guy I'm seeing is like Jekyll and Hyde... he's insanely sweet sometimes (almost too sweet, like makes u sick yanno?) and then other times he's the biggest prick I've ever met. Most of the time I chalk it up to him being drunk. But today we had the dumbest text convo and I want to PUNCH him.

Him: Damn girlie. Niggas be lettin me out the jizob lizate like a muthafucka doggs (The text in itself is idiotic but I didn't comment on that to him)
Me: What are you, Snoop Dogg? haha
Him: What are you, a cunt face? (To which point I plot his death)
Me: Go fuck yourself. Seriously.
Him: What's your fucking problem?
(after ignoring him for some time)
Him: Oh yeah? Probably can't get help for that

Besides the fact that he shouldn't call any girl, EVER, a cunt, why would he think it's a good idea to call the girl he wants to date that? AND last night we just had a conversation about me not liking being called certain names. I figured 'cunt' was an obvious one on the DO NOT CALL list.

Am I being out of line here? Like did I overreact?

previous entry: help!! what's your favori

next entry: So you're swimming in the sea of tranquility and the wheel falls off your canoe

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you most certainly DID NOT overreact. you had every right to ignore him after that. i'm sorry, but if any guy that was supposedly interested in dating me ever called me a cunt i would rethink being with him altogether. good luck.

[ßirdie|0 likes] [|reply]

What an ass!

[BusyMamaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

umm no you did not overreact! I don't know why he would think its okay to call ANYONE that especially someone that is he trying to date. I would say get rid of him...bc who knows what else he's hiding in there.

i love you

[photobooth.|0 likes] [|reply]

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