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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: I have yet to translate any meaning besides it's not worth it to try

next entry: helloooo nurse!

we'll never pay the ransom


so, me and my mom work at the same store. we were both hired as seasonal associates, and then they hired me as full time. well, today they fired her. which sucks, obviously bc now she has no job, but that means she has more time on her hands to get on my nerves. SWEET. they also want to make me head cashier, which means i'd get another raise, but im def interested in this other position if they want to hire me. decisions decisions. im off to the fair.

highlights of my day: driving to my job without getting stuck in road work, being complimented on my hair, eating dinner with coworkers and actually enjoying time with them, speaking with the boy on the way home. day = good day

previous entry: I have yet to translate any meaning besides it's not worth it to try

next entry: helloooo nurse!

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Oh poor Mary, I'm sure she is not happy about getting fired! My mom doesn't have a job either, and she's getting kind of depressed about it. I feel really bad, I think its going to really hit in her in a week or two when school starts again and she isn't at work. poor moms.

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