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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: I can't get started from the part where I left off

next entry: we'll never pay the ransom

I have yet to translate any meaning besides it's not worth it to try


Today. Umm, I just woke up so I'm trying to piece it together. I worked ass early again, then went to my godparents house, ate dinner and napped. So a fairly unproductive day I suppose, as per usual. A lot of shitty things happened actually, but I never like to go into them too much... kinda takes away from the highlights. Aaaand go

Highlights of the day: Not having any super rude customers at work, my A/C working for most of the time I was in the car, eating a yum yum dinner mama made, and the boy just IMing me to skype

previous entry: I can't get started from the part where I left off

next entry: we'll never pay the ransom

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