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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: just breathe

next entry: hey hey hey, goodbye

we'll start again and just pretend that nothing ever happened


la la laaaaa! so. today was decent... had to work ass early again buttt tomorrow i close so i get some sleeps today! i think i have a problem, bc i pretty much fall asleep everywhere i go, especially when driving, no matter how much sleep i get or dont get, and i think it has to do with diabetes, but i thought more so with high blood sugar, which i clearly dont have all the time so that doesnt actually explain anything, but i just like to ramble so there you have it.

in other news. i kinda got a promotion? im now a head cashier.. which pretty much means im queen of the idiots so i dont even consider it a promotion. but hey, i get more money. this is longer than i want it to be.

highlights of my day: learned more new things at work, got out an hour earlier than i had expected, got some good nap time in, talked to boy boy twiiiice aaand *hopefully* skype soon

previous entry: just breathe

next entry: hey hey hey, goodbye

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I am thinking you should check out the problem. I am sure the boy boy, that obviously loves you would be completely distraught if anything happened to you.

Ps. Queen of the idiots = amazing person with tolerance and intelligence?

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