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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: best i ever had

next entry: Shalalala

what is love?


I have the best boyfriend evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar. End of story.

Highlights of my day: Getting the first letter in the mail that I can remember, and it being the best love note I could have imagined, having my library fines waived, my niece currently attempting to count and saying "tweven" instead eleven or twelve, and following 29 with 20-10, 20-11, etc, having a good 2 hour convo with boy boy which hasnt happened in a long while, and not having to work until wed night. Pfft. Day = fanfreakingtastic.

previous entry: best i ever had

next entry: Shalalala

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