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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: Would I be out of line if I said I miss you

next entry: what is love?

best i ever had


So! I had a wonderful time last night with some old friends at a bar. Got just enough of a buzz to dance like there was no tomorrow... and my legs are feeling it today. Today i had the day off so I caught up some episodes of Smallville **pushes up nerd glasses* and took a nap. Soon, it will be time to get pretty again and dance another night away! Today is good

Highlights of my day: (Im cheating and putting one from yesterday) Having a customer compliment my perfume, having the day off today, eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, finishing up most of my Christmas shopping, and talking to boy boy first thing in the morning

previous entry: Would I be out of line if I said I miss you

next entry: what is love?

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