Missing someone. It's a bittersweet concept that I can't wrap my mind around. Or heart, for that matter. It's comforting, because it is a definitive way of knowing how you feel about someone without having to think about it. I believe it can be just as powerful as feelings of love. Problem is, what's good about it is also it's downfall. My heart is in constant search of something, like trying to find something that's been misplaced. And only when it finds what it's looking for, will it be fulfilled.
So here's to next week when I finally get to see him again. When my heart will race with excitement just to see his face. When kissing him will send a wave of electricity through my veins, like the first kiss, like every kiss. And that's when my heart will exhale a sigh of relief, because it has once again found what it has been missing.
Highlights of my day: Having an easy day at work, not having to decorate in the tundra I call home, being able to uplift a coping friend, realizing life could be much worse, and that I have the best boy boy ever  |