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Steve's diary
by Zombie Steve
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Steve's diary
by Zombie Steve

previous entry: The art of task management

next entry: TOTW 418 - feeling old

Help! YouTube critique?



So I remade the video that I had mentioned in the previous entry, and I'm hoping that some of you might be willing to provide critique on the new version.

You can find it here.

My goal was to make it visually better, and generally more entertaining and more informative while being shorter. The previous video was 20 minutes. You can still get to the previous video via the last entry, but it's not listed on the channel anymore.



previous entry: The art of task management

next entry: TOTW 418 - feeling old

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I love it! You loosened up a bit more but its pretty dark around you.

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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