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The Doctor's Office
by Dr. McHazard

previous entry: Everything Is Funny If You Let It Be.

next entry: Let's All Improve This World By Growing A Pair

Go Ahead. Indulge Yourself.


You want it. You need it. You crave it. Stop denying it.

What is "it", you ask? "It" can be anything. Food. Pleasures. Sexual desires. Anything at all. If it makes you happy, go for it.

Society today tells us to eat light, to not do drugs, to stop drinking, to be faithful to one partner. This antiquated thinking is destroying the world from the inside out by making us act against our own instincts. We make ourselves unhappy in order to please others. What is the point? If we are not happy, what does it matter if some unimportant individual is?

Live for yourself! Have a smoke. Have a drink. Eat that other donut. Sleep with that other partner. Who are you really hurting? No one. And who are you helping? Yourself.

As human beings, we live for pleasure. Pleasure drives us. Pleasure makes us work better, faster. Be honest with yourself - When you are doing something for work, would you work harder if you knew you would get a bonus correlating to how quickly it is done, or would you work harder knowing that if you do not get it done in a set amount of time, you would get fired?


It's the same principle. Be happy. Happiness is healthiness. You are improving the quality of your own life, and that will help you live longer, live better, live happier. Live for the moment - Live for you.

But hey - I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.

previous entry: Everything Is Funny If You Let It Be.

next entry: Let's All Improve This World By Growing A Pair

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