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Whats it About
by StruckedbyEro

previous entry: Unrequinted Love Sux! Why do I do this to myself?

next entry: I guess my ex bosses wanted me

He's in a relationship?....huh..thats nice...whatever...


I feel incredibly weird right now....:/
Soo the asshole I spoke to he has a girlfriend. Mister 'I'm not ready for a relationship' is now in a relationship....part of me is relieved...seriously I have been worried I'm gonna run into him since we live soo close to each other and he's the type that gets touchy...(ya know...will try touching you) and that he's gonna say inappropriate things to me...possibly in front of my grandpa cause he's a dick like that...remember I said he's disrespectful....? Well those were my worries...anyway now that he's in a relationship I'm hoping that if I end up running into him...maybe...just maybe he'll leave me alone...? I won't hold my breath...but he better hope if he does run into me not to expect me to allow him to be touchy or let him say stupid shit to me... I've been worried since I deleted him from my fb friends list... cause even before I made the decision to delete him when I realized there was no way I could be his friend because he would talk all kinds of shit on fb messanger to me...he'd later check up on me to see how I was...which I know he was only trying to see if I would have a change of heart and give it up to him....which I would never consider EVER...soo to him I was mean and he would then talk shit again...I have no clue as to if he talked shit about me to his friends who were coworkers of mine and somewhat friends. Anywayz the other part of me is a little annoyed....(a small insecure part)...that he found himself another girl in such a short time...I already knew the idiot was talking to other girls when he was telling me he was only talking to me...cause I called him on speaks spanish and I don't but there's a thing called google translator and I was able to read his posts he didn't think I'm a curious person...especially if I'm talking to someone....he had been talking to some girl and telling her all the things he said to me....except more open....when I asked him about it he replied after a long pause... 'we're friends...we talk like that.'....'we're only friends'.....which at that point I told him its ok...(yeah I know..confusing...but if I was really through then why even call him on it?...I was curious...morbidly soo..)...It is a bit bruising to the old ego...cause to be honest he was cool having me as a friend with benefits but not as a girlfriend....even tho when he first tried to get at me he told me otherwise....makes me wonder if there was something wrong with me that the idea was no longer acceptable....I mean how would you take it? shouldn't matter to me because he would have been a mistake I would of regreted and even now when I see one of my friends liking his status and I have to see his face...I get an overwhelming need to hit I wouldn't...I'm not a violent type...but that's what I feel in the Soo my little dirty secrets...when I saw the status about his relationship...I took a look at the girls' page...she's pretty....chubby like me...but girly and well....if I had to judge by the pictures...I'd say she gave him exactly what he wanted...just saying...I don't know her or anything but if I saw pics like hers on anybody elses page (and I do)...I'd think the same thing....The other secret...I looked at his page...and he's an idiot...he has a picture of himself with a gun in his mouth...with 'jajaja...' as the title...another picture of him trying to appear tough...(eyeroll)...and several...on a of him getting drunk....yeah there's a winner. Soo although that moment of insecurity ran through me....seeing all that just made me feel all the better of just saying 'no' to an idiot not worth my time that I wasted once again out of curiousity....and probably will again...cause I like to remind myself the 'whys' to my saying 'no' when I have weak moments because I'm still definately helps...its like I'm all 'woe is me...why am I single?....I could of been with someone maybe...'...a quick look at his page....'oh that's right...cause I'm worth something..and I don't need to settle for losers...' I move on with my day...not gonna lie though the fact that I still wanna hit him means I still have him in mind....but I'll get over it eventually...I just need to find me my 'Prince'...hell my 'King'....cause I'm a 'Queen' (Leo pride over

previous entry: Unrequinted Love Sux! Why do I do this to myself?

next entry: I guess my ex bosses wanted me

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What a dick!
Hope you're ok!?

[KT♥|0 likes] [|reply]

Yeah I know. He had his decent moments but yeah he's a dick...I'm good tho. Thanks

[StruckedbyEro|0 likes] [|reply]

at least ya were smart enough to say no... good for you

[BlueEyedSinnerStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I don't know if its really being smart or just knowing what you want really...he made it too tho

[StruckedbyEro|0 likes] [|reply]

This entry made me crack up, only because you totally sound like me! Like "nah I'm too good for that, thank god I didn't let that go farther than what it was." but then that insecure part like "well screw you for being in a relationship when you told me you weren't ready for one." But honestly, let that girl deal with his dick-ish ways! Because it sounds like he's only with her for the "giving it up", and I'm sure once she does, if she hasn't already, he will be talking to other girls. Because he sounds like that.

And you're awesome for using google translator when you guys were talking. I would have done that too!

You'll be okay, he sounds like a waste of breath. And I'm glad you didn't give anything up to him before you found all of this out.

[|0 likes] [|reply]

Lol...well just wanted to be honest cause I think a lot of people go through those emotions where you're like 'I'm good..I didn't need him anyway..and now he's moved on...that's great.'..and then you're like 'the hell with you and your happiness...I hope she gives you crabs...' Hehe..I'm curious...I like to know what people are saying...he kinda made me feel kinda stalker-ish tho...cause he was like ' read my must like me...'....didn't like him like that but I like to know how full of shit people really are when they're talking to me. I'm invisible girl usually soo I get to see how people are in front of attractive people and then as soon as they're gone how different they act...its kinda funny but it great knoweledge to have...I was making a list of pros and cons the whole time I talked to him...Kinda feel bad for the girl tho...cause I know what kind of shit he is gonna put her through..and yeah he is a cheating type.....but she'll just have to live and learn...and if for some reason he changes his ways or she likes all that...well I hope they're happy. Just as long as he lives me alone if ever we were to run into each Thanks for the comment...made me smile all the more

[StruckedbyEro|0 likes] [|reply]

A lot of people do go through those emotions but they'd rather seem completely over it haha. And I don't think it's stalker-ish at all, if he was telling you all of these things that made you feel like it was going to go somewhere or like he liked you in a certain way, you gotta cover your ass and see what he's doing! It's not like you were trying to hack into his facebook. You just looked at it and translated some Spanish because you were curious, nothing wrong with that!

I hope he stays away. And you're welcome

[|0 likes] [|reply]

Lol...yeah my thoughts exactly...still some guys like to think they're special ..soo they try to make you feel stalkerish....glad to see that I wasn't wrong in I hope he stays away too ...

[StruckedbyEro|0 likes] [|reply]

Interesting diary. Got me thinking about if I ever have kids or grand kids, Interesting diary. Got me thinking about if I ever have kids or grand kids, how do I handle or prevent some of these situations. By the way, I think "The Search for True Love" blog series at would be useful to you.

[Awakened|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Unrequinted Love Sux! Why do I do this to myself?

next entry: I guess my ex bosses wanted me

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