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U'szo' bolond vagyok!
by vatten mö

previous entry: Oh happy day!

next entry: The day before tomorrow

Off my "rock"er


So, I have 3 (or more) days until i hear about a possible job opportunity. It is one that could have great chances to improve my life. It is also one that stretches me way out of my comfort zone. It scares me a little bit. I do know that God doesn't put me in situations that i cannot handle, through his help. The way he'd help me with this is through other people I can use for resources. 

I also know not to share possible good news with certain people. They will try to tear you down, all in the name of trying to be "helpful". Grrr, and no, I am not going to explain that statement. It isn't worth my time or energy.  It must be the stubborn side to me that won't allow them to ruin my day. Haha.

I was given a compliment from my boss today, regarding when I worked on Wednesday. It was a rough day overall...for everyone. We got through it in one piece however. It was mentioned that I "rocked" my job that day.  I will take the compliment. Haha.

My grandpa's (earthly) birthday was 2 days ago. He would have been 87 years old. 

Speaking of grandfathers, I saw, for the first time in my life, a picture of my paternal grandfather. I am 37 years old....and had little to no idea what he looked like. I was told a verbal description, but that is not the same.  He died long before I had a chance to meet him. It does not help that I had no idea who my father was, besides knowing his name, until I was 15 years old. My grandfather is not even spoken about on my dad's the KS side anyway. The TN side speaks about home much more. It is through that side that I know as little as I do about him. I know better than to ask my Grandma Geri questions...enough said. 

So, what have you all been up to? Have you had anything good happen to it small or big?-Your friendly neighborhood rocker, Robyn


previous entry: Oh happy day!

next entry: The day before tomorrow

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Sending you all the good vibes for the potential new job, yo! I have had to have a Covid test this morning, SO NO, nothing good happening here. My eyes are still watering now, 2 hours later!

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