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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady
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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady

previous entry: vitural Avon convention

next entry: Avon Annaversary 9 years!

is it weird?


is it weird to hang up on someone when they say im on a recorded line  and you applied for a job on our website and i ask what website and they dont answeR? or repeat themselves? i mean im looking for work yes, but i am trying to keep my information safe... so if you can't answer the question i hang up. am i shooting myself in the foot? my mom thinks so.. but i dont... 


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previous entry: vitural Avon convention

next entry: Avon Annaversary 9 years!

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Could go either way I support. Do a reverse look up on the number?

[MarkStar|0 likes] [|reply]

yes that is a good idea! put their number in Google and see what comes up

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

sounds fishy to me. I don't blame you. If they can't answer what website, it's a scam

[Greta GarbageStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Ooooh. No, no, no. My husband is a "cyber security analyst" and he says calls like that are scammers.

[Ethan JamesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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