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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady
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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady

previous entry: eventfull week...

next entry: Avon live shopping experiance

heres a summary of my last few weeks except for moms low blood sugar episode...


  • got unemployment sorted i hope
  • following week n half later she had her heart stint surgery
  • had a birthday..
  • sis and i purged one room of mom’s house  turned it into my Avon office.
  • got a job interview Friday
  • working on achieving Avon Hawaii trip, but sales are so/so right now… i need to sell 15K to achieve and im only at 1k ish in sales… but all the small sells add up so… keep plugging away.
  • working on getting tax stuff so i can drop off to file


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previous entry: eventfull week...

next entry: Avon live shopping experiance

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Is your mom okay? My mother is diabetic and i keep telling her that she needs to freaking take care of herself, but she never listens. AVON has been around forever. I remember when i was little, i was afraid of her avon lady, whinnie. For some reason every time I saw her i cried and ran out of the room.

[Ethan JamesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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