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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady
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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady

previous entry: do i have a job or dont i?

next entry: work seriously?!?!?

work scheduling?!?!?


so my work place runs monday -sunday.. so i last worked on saturday which was a hoot as we had a power outage and i left at 2pm the schedule for the next week was not up yet. so i attempted to call around 330pmish and the work phone just clicked so sent a text message to the gm and confirmed i work at 8am monday.  her response was like you were told n and i said no i just wanted to confirm as the schedule wasn't available when i left and heard nothing back... am i wrong to want to know my schedule for the next week before it happens? like shouldn't the schedule be done by saturday for the following week? am i crazy?


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previous entry: do i have a job or dont i?

next entry: work seriously?!?!?

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