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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady
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My Crazy Life!:)
by The Avon Lady

previous entry: work scheduling?!?!?

next entry: problems??

work seriously?!?!?


 stressed the f out. was told today i need to do prep faster or its my job basically and scheduled for 12 hours this week?!?!? Wth!!  so orginally when i got a chance to look at the schedule, i was schedule 8-10 am today but was told when i called yesterday to check on the schedule to come in at 7am.  next day i work is 10am-2:30 on wednesday, and 8am -2 pm on saturday? how the fuck am i supposed to improve if you only have me working 3 days a week? 


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previous entry: work scheduling?!?!?

next entry: problems??

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this sounds like the crap they pulled when I worked at the daycare centers. Hoping things will ease up for you. /b>

[Ethan JamesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

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