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MyLife! :D
by Keely.

previous entry: R.I.P. Bear :(

next entry: Being content with yourself is so good....right?

Learning To Drive!!


Wow! So I just had my first driving lesson!

I was really nervous at first because I'm definately one of those people who is kinda coordinated but at the same time, is very slow and cant normally concentrate on more than one thing at a time! haha

But anyways....the driving instructor was at first, just explain the basics, u know, as they do....i was just sat like what the....F!! lol...Then she said, ok, turn the engine on and we are going to head off haha! i just laughed.
She was like.....go on then? lol
I was like aahhhhhhhhhhH! haha but it was a two hour lesson, i went god knows where! lol and it just got easier and easier! yay!
cant wait for the next one!!

previous entry: R.I.P. Bear :(

next entry: Being content with yourself is so good....right?

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i was SO nervous when i had my first driving lesson lol. i was shaking and everything. afterward the lady asked if it had been my first time and i told her yes and she was shocked because i actually did surprisingly well.

good job!

[Minda Hey Hey™Star|0 likes] [|reply]

thats good i enjoyed my lessons too unfortunately for me i never finished so im still on learners permit for 5 years now.

[ICky VICkyStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I remember being nervous getting my permit but I don't ever remember being nervous actually driving. It's a second nature to me, I guess!

[The Only Blitch.|0 likes] [|reply]

Man...I used to be so nervous
when I first started driving.
I would get afraid when cars
drove past me, came up behind me,
and I would always go across the
yellow line without realizing it.
It will get better, believe me.

Parallel parking is still hard though,
practice that a lot!

[A.Classic.Disaster|0 likes] [|reply]

hahah I was terrified to drive in the actual STREET for like... the first few times I practiced driving. I think when I finally did, I went like 20 mph the whole time

[.Marissa.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: R.I.P. Bear :(

next entry: Being content with yourself is so good....right?

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