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Perfectly Abnormal
by zenith.

previous entry: hold you tight

next entry: just a little late

and she takes another step



I don't have much time to write a very detailed entry so here's what's going on:

-My dad lost his job and I am FREAKING out. I don't know how my mom and I are going to come up with enough money to pay for the house, PG&E, EBMUD, and everything else. I only work twice a week so that is clearly not enough although I am going to be house sitting in April for almost 2 weeks. I am crossing my fingers that my dad finds something...anything soon.

- School is going fantastic. I am getting an A in my archaeology class and my health class which is nice. I want to get an A on both classes this semester. This summer I am hoping to take The Special Child (which is a ECHD class) but I might not if Cynthia decides to increase my hours a bit. Also, this fall I'm going to take math again (with a good prof), speech, astronomy (because I didn't get a B or A the first time), and an online class.

I have so much work stuff to get done tomorrow after class, it's ridiculous. We had an all day conference for work yesterday which was FANTASTIC and super fun! It was about puppets and very informative.

Thomas and I have sort of been taking this week. I haven't been online much because I've been sleeping a lot and freaking out. I don't know how I feel about him yet and frankly, with everything that is going on, I haven't thought about it much.

That's about it so I'm off to read a bit before bedtime.

classic layouts

previous entry: hold you tight

next entry: just a little late

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