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Beyond Belief
by A RedSox Fan

previous entry: My FL trip: fantasy football and 20th MLB stadium

next entry: Pics!

I'm free again


Ruth and I are done. I actually feel extremely relieved.

I talked to Karen last night. She's the one who I had met on here about 9 years ago who lives in Indi, lives with a bf she isnt happy with and I said to her the last time we talked, that if we are not married or ingaged to someone else in 2 years, that I'll come and take her back to Boston and marry her. She said ok with a smile face. She's the one with an angel voice, is a counselor and wants to do art therapy.
We talked, she was at work. Most of the convo was her making fun of my Boston accent lol and her teaching me some Lindi words and I taught her some Boston words. I told her a bit about my vacation and a few of the dates I have gone on since we last talked... I swear, me and her, we could talk and talk and talk. There's something about that girl...

Someone noted my last entry saying that she thought Danielle seemed as she was crushing on me. I kinda laugh at that only because I thought the same thing but I chop it up to her being a nice person.

And everyone knows my "perfect woman" right?

Danielle is Jewish. She likes baseball, she sat next to me during the baseball game and her fav team is the red sox and she likes disney. We watched Toy Story 2 together and talked about our favorite Disney movies and about disney on ice
...I'm just saying

Monday there will be ...hopefully there will be pics up from my vacation and hopefully tomorrow (sunday) I'll get a few pics of me holding my nephew Devin while watching the Patriots game.

previous entry: My FL trip: fantasy football and 20th MLB stadium

next entry: Pics!

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If you are relieved then it is the right decision.

[~Kimberly~|0 likes] [|reply]

Yep they are song titles... Help by the Beatles

[~Kimberly~|0 likes] [|reply]

Glad you are free again and relieved

[Simply*Carlise|0 likes] [|reply]

what happened w/ you and ruth?

[foreverglow|0 likes] [|reply]

I am relieved for you too, even though it sucks. It just didn't seem to flow that well with her. It sounded forced. Not the best way to have a relationship. I do hope you find someone compatible though!

[»Mrs. Evans«|0 likes] [|reply]

If you feel relieved it was the right choice! x

[.Blue Bella.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: My FL trip: fantasy football and 20th MLB stadium

next entry: Pics!

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