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Beyond Belief
by A RedSox Fan

previous entry: ...and she took my hand in hers

next entry: sox trade, date, football draft, seeing my nephew

the football date


The date… hmm she was about an hr late in picking me up do to 3 accidents from where she was to my house. She did call to tell me she was going to be late. When I got into her car, the first thing she asks me was "how was your weekend?" to which I quickly responded "Well Friday night was very nice" I was hoping for a reaction of some form, either verbelly or a laugh but nothing so I just continued on telling her about my weekend. Saturday was my older brother’s birthday. The family was going to go out for dinner Sunday but my twin and his wife had plans so on Saturday, my older bro picked me up and we went down to a sports restaurant near them and that was nice. Sunday everyone else went out along with my aunt, my cousin and my younger cousin to a mex restaurant. We then went back to the house for cake and presents.

Ruth and I planned on going to Red Robins for dinner first. … in the car I made it a point to be more talkative and she was a little bit more verbally observant. (we had got to the stadium at almost exactly at 8pm) so was telling me how fast we were getting up to… since at some points we were stopped on high ways. She would be like “we’re going 4 mph… we’re up to 42 mph… I was making remarks but she didn’t laugh. so hmm. So we do go to red robins when we get there. We had a nice quick meal w(with not much said even when we were waiting) and get to our seats before the end of the first quarter. I forgot how much is said over the PA when it comes to the game. I brought a little radeo but didn’t need it. The tickets were $135 they were in the endzone. We did talk some during the game. She had a sweatshirt on and was still cold, I was actually still on the warm side, not sure how she was even cold a little bit, but I put my arm around her shoulders and rubbed her opposite arm-shoulder and asked her if “this” was ok. She said yes. So that felt nice to me.So I kept my arm there for most of the rest of the game. Again, very little was said during the game. I had planned on leaving after the first half, but since we missed most of the first quarter, I was thinking we would stay till a few minutes into the 3rd quarter. At 10;10 she said that it was 10;10 and there is 3;35 left on the clock. So we can stay till either 11 or till the end of the quarter which ever came first. I said sounds good to me. So at the end of the quarter, I said, ok, we can go. She said are you sure? I said yup, I don’t know most of the players in the game now anyways. We walked hand –hand (we did a few times during the night) back to the car. She asked if I wanted to listen to the rest of the game. I said no, that’s ok. We had been driving in traffic most of the way till we got through boston. They were doing construction etc. we didn’t say much and I was getting bored so I was singing to myself. She asked what I was saying I said that I was singing. She asked if I wanted the radeo on, I said sure… she asked what station I said I didn’t know. She put on mix. She had it on pretty soft, plus she had her window opened plus we were driving pretty good, so I couldn’t hear the song just the beat… she had turned up a song and after a long second, I said “OH!” and starting singing “I’ll be there for you” by bon jovi. … how cool. So we listened to music.

She told me on the last date that this coming Saturday she’s going to a going away party for one of her friends. She told me again last night, saying that it will be at a bar in boston near coollage corner but when she drove by, there was no address where her friend said it would be. But it is a bar. … later when we were coming home, she asked me if I would want to go to the party with her. Or as she said “you can come to the party if you’d like on Saturday night” I said that I would let her know. But hmm very interesting. She wants me to meet her friends.

Now, she can be very blunt at times and she did make me feel bad. When we were eating, and she had said that we would have to go through security separately. (meaning the dif lines for men-women) I said something like “they’ll figure it out, I’m not worried” she responded with “you know, I think you are more capable than what you let on to” I didn’t much care for that response as mobility is not a strong suit of mine. But I responded that it depends on the environment. If it is a place that I am formilliar with, like even today, if you were to put me back in Salem state college, 12 years after I graduated, and told me to find my way, I would have no problem but if it is a new place that I’ve never been to have not been shown around, than no. I don’t think she believed me.

She also made me feel bad about my job hunting. That story is longer but basicly she doesn’t think I’m trying. Which, in all honest, I did basicly “give up” I am applying to jobs that are sent to me be monster etc, but going through 200 job ads and not finding a single one I can apply to either because I don’t have a driver’s license or I don’t have a counseling license, and doing that for the better part of 4 years, is pretty depressing.

But at the end of the night she did give me a kiss on the lips with a hug (she did last date too) so that is defanately nice. And she said to let her know about Saturday night.

When I got home I wrote the following email:
Thank you again, I had a fun time.
We'll have to go to a movie or a play...something that you enjoy :)
Sorry you were a bit cold, hope me holding you warmed you a little bit :)
She responded with” I enjoyed the game”

I’m never fond of those short emails that doesn’t really address my email, I know she really didn’t care for the game itself but did like being with me though.

previous entry: ...and she took my hand in hers

next entry: sox trade, date, football draft, seeing my nephew

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Sounds like you are getting more comfortable with each other

[~Kimberly~|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc- yes, that song fits exactly what I was feeling...but you know me, I'm intune with my emotions, maybe too much so. I just kind of thought that very odd of obsess that way. Maybe a little diversion? I'm not sure. but as long as you say I'm ok, I must be, because your the doctor.
I'm super sorry it doesn't feel right...I'm really interested in this girls past relationships...I know you do'nt want to go there...but I think you'd learn alot about her that time maybe.

[~Kimberly~|0 likes] [|reply]

I can't really figure her out. She seems hot and cold all the time.

[foreverglow|0 likes] [|reply]

Maybe you should just come out and ask her?!

[foreverglow|0 likes] [|reply]

I'm sorry she made you feel bad about not having a job. She could have been more supportive. Maybe she could give you ideas of where to look? It does sound like you're getting more cozy with her though, which is good.

[Mrs. Evans|0 likes] [|reply]

Aw yay! I live in coolidge corner! What bar?

[Kate.Monster|0 likes] [|reply]

Like what the other commenter said - sounds like you guys are getting comforable with each other... which is good...

I am sorry if she made you feel bad, perhaps you could talk to her maybe she doesnt realize shes doing it...?

[The Dreaming Wife |0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: ...and she took my hand in hers

next entry: sox trade, date, football draft, seeing my nephew

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