I have posted many blogs and had many conversations about topics that hit humanity to the core. My father sent me this video and it really peirced my heart and I hope it does yours to.
Comparing the holocaust to abortion is a stretch in my opinion and the man even said it is subjective. Because people have different beliefs about when a fetus is human, is it at conception, is it when it has a form, is it when it can breath outside
the womb, is it upon birth? Etc. Is the anti pregnancy drug administered at the ER an abortion? So many questions that return back to an individuals personal beliefs.
I think as a follow up to this they should do a video of anti abortion
Christians that believe it is ok to kill doctors that perform abortions in order to save a life. Is that something you would agree with? Just to offer another perspective on the sanctity of life that this video portrayed.
When does the soul
enter the human? That is another subject of debate among a lot of people.
Perhaps, as a middle road, the anti abortion activists would agree to adopt and take care of any baby someone wants to abort if they decide to go through with the
This is such an emotional issue for so many people. Me being a man and having never been faced with such a situation allows me a more removed thought process from the emotions of being pregnant. What if you were told that giving birth
you would certainly die and the baby had 2% chance of living. I'm sure people would say, that's in God's hands. But perhaps God gave us the ability to save ourselves in situations like that and believes it should be taken? I dunno, I'm too much of
an analyzer.
Can you educate me a bit and tell me where in the Bible hell is explained?
btw - Stalin killed more Russians that Hitler killed Jews, maybe they should have used Stalin as the water mark.