...I've been scoring through all of the renting apartments available at the moment, sending out interested letters with mentions that I own a cat. I've been told by various people to just sneak her in but...nuh-uh. Not going to happen. They'll hear her and then I'll be kicked out.
Still, I'm trying to be optomistic. I'm looking for a new place, have gotten a few people writing back saying that they will arrange for a viewing, even with my cat! Yeah! Maybe I'll be able to move out sooner rather than later, as my sis and her boyfriend have managed to find a place to go. I want to be out as soon as possible as well, so I'm in the process of arranging on-going loans from my parents. I'll put all of my money into the rent, and then they'll give me living expenses.
My sis just found a nice studio apartment, so I've checked it out, looked at all the pics and then sent an interested e-mail to them. Hopefully over the next couple of days I'll get a reply back soon and then I can go out and see them. If I have to change my hours around in order to do so, I will. I need to move out, and if a good oppertunity comes up, I'm taking it.
It's me trying to be positive. If I can get a new place to live, then it's a sign that I will be able to find a new job. One that will be brilliant and make this entire mess a sign that I went through all of this for a reason.
That's all you can do, isn't it? Be positive.
Kya |