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Musing, notions, thoughts and random ramblings
by Man without fear

previous entry: plesant suprises amzing night.

next entry: A curious alchemy

Still searching, a(still) angsty poem, take 2


Still Searching

I being with a line borrowed from a song
"how can i miss you, i've never met you"

I go about my day, each day the same as the last,
looking, seeking, searching,


Where are you?
*Who* are you?

I love you,
I know you love me,

Where are you?


i need you....i miss you

You are my love, my centre, my....*cheesy music* soul-mate

The other, well I love her.
Make no mistake I LOVE HER
but, she doesn't see me, she doesn't really truly know me,

not like you

is that you?

there is this pain, this gnawing, gaping hole in my centre,
i need to find you
fill me up with your joy and love,

i don't know who you are,
but i know you

you're the one from the poems

thta speical someone from songs and movies.....

i know i *know* i godsdamned know i can fall into your eyes
your silky, peircing eyes

deep penetrating reflections of that soul that interlocks with mine like a perfect puzzle


those eyes, that cut me to the quick

i'll never want to come out..

i miss you so much,

i want to know you, to have our souls brush and blend
to merge, and love and live...


I am a man without fear yet i'm terrified of three thigns..

i fret about never ever finding you
i'm afraid of missing you
and i'm terrified of losing you

where are you? can i miss you? i've never met you.

previous entry: plesant suprises amzing night.

next entry: A curious alchemy

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