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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: we all live in a yellow submarine

next entry: I have yet to translate any meaning besides it's not worth it to try

I can't get started from the part where I left off


Phew... what a long day. I, is tired. Had a drunkish call from the boy last night so i was up kinda late but it was so worth it. Worked 6-230 so i could change put my face on and run to the interview, and from the interview run to court for my speeding ticket, then run errands with the mama. Now im home ready for an amaretto sour and a nap

Highlights of the day: Owning the interview (They asked me when I'm going to quit my other job so I can start there... I think I got it in!), getting my speeding ticket reduced to 'littering' so I don't have points on my license, and... I can't actually think of anything else bc the interview alone is enough to make my day!

previous entry: we all live in a yellow submarine

next entry: I have yet to translate any meaning besides it's not worth it to try

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