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Still a beginner
by santananananana
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Still a beginner
by santananananana

previous entry: take that to the bank and cash it

next entry: I can't get started from the part where I left off

we all live in a yellow submarine


SO. Today was pretty good overall. Went to work, customers sucked but the day went quickly. Got home, went to my godparents house, and i should get decent sleep for a long day tomorrow. Highlighter tiiiiime

Highlights of the day: Got some more time in the sun/pool, ate steak and potatoes, spent time with a college friend, got an interview for a salon (YAYAYAYAYAAAY)

Please cross the fingers for the interview... if i get the job theyd help pay for cosmetology school which ive wanted to go to since like, middle school... wish me luuuck!

previous entry: take that to the bank and cash it

next entry: I can't get started from the part where I left off

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